Robô móvel potente de tamanho médio com desempenho e segurança topo de gama
O robô móvel da série MD da OMRON acrescenta opções de carga útil de 650 kg e 900 kg a uma linha comprovada da indústria de robôs móveis autónomos da OMRON com cargas úteis entre 60 kg e 1500 kg. Concebida para operações industriais de fabrico e logística de armazém, a série MD pode trabalhar em colaboração com seres humanos e é a escolha ideal para aplicações de deslocação de paletes em que podem ser utilizados suportes de recolha e descarga. Concebida a pensar num público global, a série MD pode acomodar tamanhos de paletes europeus, americanos e asiáticos.

OMRON MD series safe and agile medium-duty autonomous mobile robots for payloads of 650 and 900 kg
Looking for safe and more efficient ways to move products and materials around your facilities? OMRON's mobile robots can provide a safe, fast and reliable solution with payloads ranging from 60 to 1500kg, including the best in the industry safety and fleet management tools. The OMRON MD-650 and MD-900 medium-duty mobile robots complete the portfolio with payload options for 650 and 900 kg, for handling a wide variety of parts and materials while maintaining a small footprint. Discover more:
OMRON MD series safe and agile medium-duty autonomous mobile robots for payloads of 650 and 900 kg
Looking for safe and more efficient ways to move products and materials around your facilities? OMRON's mobile robots can provide a safe, fast and reliable solution with payloads ranging from 60 to 1500kg, including the best in the industry safety and fleet management tools. The OMRON MD-650 and MD-900 medium-duty mobile robots complete the portfolio with payload options for 650 and 900 kg, for handling a wide variety of parts and materials while maintaining a small footprint. Discover more:Características
Caraterísticas principais
- Capacidade de carga útil de 650 kg ou 900 kg.
- Com base na mesma tecnologia comprovada utilizada na série HD.
- Cobertura de segurança de 360° com tecnologia LiDAR.
- Tempo de funcionamento de oito horas com menos de 30 minutos de carregamento (5%-95%).
- Velocidade máxima de 2,2 m/s (MD-650) e 1,8 m/s (MD-900).
- Capacidade de navegação autónoma em marcha-atrás.
- Área de ocupação comutável.

MD-series Panfleto
Carregamento inteligente
- Relógio em tempo real para um registo e uma depuração melhorados.
- Depuração da bateria MD.
- 19,6 minutos de tempo de carregamento de 20% a 80%.
- Tempo de funcionamento: 10 horas (sem carga útil)/8 horas (carga útil total)
Segurança funcional
- Totalmente em conformidade com as normas ISO 3691-4 e ANSI/RIA R15.08
- Sistema de segurança inovador de 360°, bem como scanners verticais patenteados de 180° opcionais.
- Navegação em marcha-atrás completa.
- Capacidade para evitar obstáculos estáticos e móveis
- Controlo de motion de segurança redundante
- Sistema expansível com classificação de segurança para E/S adicionais, scanners e sensores
Controlador de máquina OMRON acessível a bordo pelo utilizador
- E/S dedicada através da plataforma Sysmac da Omron
- Controlo do acessório e dos periféricos do utilizador com o controlador de máquina da série NX
- Segurança integrada
Tecnologia e software de AMR
Os robôs móveis autónomos (AMR) da OMRON estão equipados com tecnologia de AMR dedicada para navegação e posicionamento de alinhamento. Esta tecnologia permite que os AMR se desloquem de forma segura e eficiente dentro dos seus espaços de trabalho designados, mesmo em ambientes complexos. Os AMR também são operados por software, o que os torna fáceis de utilizar e programar.
- A tecnologia de AMR dedicada utilizada pelos AMR da OMRON inclui uma variedade de sensores, tais como scanners a laser, que permitem aos robôs mapear com precisão o seu ambiente e navegar em segurança.
- O software utilizado para operar os AMR da OMRON é intuitivo e fácil de utilizar, facilitando a programação dos robôs para a realização de tarefas específicas.
Especificações e info encomendas
Produto | Mobile robot type | Maximum load | Maximum speed | Kit type | Battery included | Accessories included | ESD protection | Descrição | |
OEM robot | 650 kg | 2.2 m/s | Mobile robot | No | None | No | Robot móvil, MD-650, sin batería |
OEM robot | 650 kg | 2.2 m/s | Mobile robot + docking kit | No | Docking station | No | Robot Móvil, MD-650, con cargador, sin batería |
OEM robot | 650 kg | 2.2 m/s | Mobile robot + starter kit | No | Docking station, Pendant | No | Robot móvil, MD-650, con cargador, control colgante, sin batería |
OEM robot | 900 kg | 1.8 m/s | Mobile robot | No | None | No | Robot móvil, MD-900, sin batería |
OEM robot | 900 kg | 1.8 m/s | Mobile robot + docking kit | No | Docking station | No | Robot Móvil, MD-900, con cargador, sin batería |
OEM robot | 900 kg | 1.8 m/s | Mobile robot + starter kit | No | Docking station, Pendant | No | Robot móvil, MD-900, con cargador, control colgante, sin batería |
Dispomos de uma combinação quase infinita para se adaptar a quaisquer panoramas de produção.
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DownloadAplicações e principais indústrias

Intralogistics process and related challenges
OMRON solution for the complete intralogistics process The complete intralogistics process in a factory is divided into four different groups because the challenges are different, but also the solutions: Lineside Replenishment; Work in progress; Finished goods and Warehouse. Read more on:

OMRON MD series safe and agile medium-duty autonomous mobile robots for payloads of 650 and 900 kg
Looking for safe and more efficient ways to move products and materials around your facilities? OMRON's mobile robots can provide a safe, fast and reliable solution with payloads ranging from 60 to 1500kg, including the best in the industry safety and fleet management tools. The OMRON MD-650 and MD-900 medium-duty mobile robots complete the portfolio with payload options for 650 and 900 kg, for handling a wide variety of parts and materials while maintaining a small footprint. Discover more:
OMRON MD series safe and agile medium-duty autonomous mobile robots for payloads of 650 and 900 kg
Looking for safe and more efficient ways to move products and materials around your facilities? OMRON's mobile robots can provide a safe, fast and reliable solution with payloads ranging from 60 to 1500kg, including the best in the industry safety and fleet management tools. The OMRON MD-650 and MD-900 medium-duty mobile robots complete the portfolio with payload options for 650 and 900 kg, for handling a wide variety of parts and materials while maintaining a small footprint. Discover more:
OMRON Mobile I/O Box Tutorial Video
The OMRON Mobile I/O Box is an I/O device that can be used to summon an autonomous mobile robot (AMR) to a designated location by just pressing a button. #mobilerobots #omronindustrialautomation
OMRON Mobile I/O Box Tutorial Video
The OMRON Mobile I/O Box is an I/O device that can be used to summon an autonomous mobile robot (AMR) to a designated location by just pressing a button. #mobilerobots #omronindustrialautomation
OMRON FLOW Core 3.0 MobilePlanner
Our MobilePlanner allows you to easily and effectively utilize fleets of heterogeneous robot types alongside one another to optimize their automation solution. MobilePlanner expands our Fleet Management ecosystem as the best in the industry. #omronindustrialautomation #mobilerobots
OMRON FLOW Core 3.0 MobilePlanner
Our MobilePlanner allows you to easily and effectively utilize fleets of heterogeneous robot types alongside one another to optimize their automation solution. MobilePlanner expands our Fleet Management ecosystem as the best in the industry. #omronindustrialautomation #mobilerobots
OMRON FLOW Core 3.0 Cell Alignment Positioning System (CAPS)
CAPS technology utilizes any compatible laser to detect a customizable target in the environment and enables the AMR to drive to the required location with unrivalled precision. #omronindustrialautomation #mobilerobots
OMRON FLOW Core 3.0 Cell Alignment Positioning System (CAPS)
CAPS technology utilizes any compatible laser to detect a customizable target in the environment and enables the AMR to drive to the required location with unrivalled precision. #omronindustrialautomation #mobilerobots
OMRON FLOW Core 3.0 Dynamic Obstacle Tracking
Collaborative and intuitive robot motion with “pass-behind” decision making for a better decision-making and path planning. #omronindustrialautomation #mobilerobots
OMRON FLOW Core 3.0 Dynamic Obstacle Tracking
Collaborative and intuitive robot motion with “pass-behind” decision making for a better decision-making and path planning. #omronindustrialautomation #mobilerobots
OMRON FLOW Core 3.0 MobilePlanner Tablet
The MobilePlanner tablet edition is an easy-to-use interface designed to monitor and control your Mobile Robot fleet from a tablet. #omronindustrialautomation #mobilerobots
OMRON FLOW Core 3.0 MobilePlanner Tablet
The MobilePlanner tablet edition is an easy-to-use interface designed to monitor and control your Mobile Robot fleet from a tablet. #omronindustrialautomation #mobilerobots
OMRON FLOW Core 3.0 Selectable Autonomy
Enables users to tailor traffic flow with powerful path modes, ranging from autonomous guided vehicle (AGV)—but without the costly infrastructure—to limited detour windows, to the pure flexibility of a traditional AMR. #omronindustrialautomation #mobilerobots
OMRON FLOW Core 3.0 Selectable Autonomy
Enables users to tailor traffic flow with powerful path modes, ranging from autonomous guided vehicle (AGV)—but without the costly infrastructure—to limited detour windows, to the pure flexibility of a traditional AMR. #omronindustrialautomation #mobilerobotsTransferências

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